Binocular Stereo Vision

Stereo Vision

Binocular Vision

Epipolar geometry is the geometry of stereo vision” (cited from Wikipedia), which can be briefly illustrated as the following picture (cited from Wikipedia):

Epipolar Geometry

How to calculate depth map from binocular cameras has been widely and thoroughly discussed in various materials. For instance:

Here, we only provides the following two example code to calculate the disparity image from a single pair of left and right images. shows the classical stereo vision block matching algorithm, which is heavily cited from

XXXXXXXXXX shows the classical stereo vision semi-global block matching algorithm, which is heavily cited from

Our experiments are carried out on a single image pair as follows:

Left Image Right Image
Disparity of Stereo_BM Disparity of Stereo_SGBM

I’m still waiting for my econ-system binocular camera STEEReoCAM for the live stereo vision test.